Il s’agit bien-sûr d’une simple opération de propagande et de blabla destiné à rassurer clients et fournisseurs après la demande en urgence de 450M€ de cash. A l’instar de son intervention au Sénat, Super-Menteur nous montre l’étendue de son talent d’orateur et de langue de bois.
We are actually working with our creditors, both our banks and our bondholders, for a solution to our high level of debt and the maturities are coming due in the next 18 months.
The dialogue is very, very positive. We’re operating under the conciliation, as you have mentioned. It’s like a mediator is helping through those discussions. And I do believe that everybody is aligned. In fact, we recently had secured some liquidity from those same bondholders and banks.
Again, an indication that everybody is really aligned to find a solution.
You came on board a few months ago, but obviously the situation at Atos has been deteriorating for the past few years. The shares have lost more than 90% of their value over the past seven years, more than 80% over the past year alone. Why would any investor decide to invest more, inject more fresh money in Atos today?
Well, Atos is actually a great company. The company is a leader in the IT market, and nothing has changed about it.
The company has amazing assets. They start with the people. There are about 95,000 employees of the company.
And amazingly, 80,000 of them are engineers, which is unusual in this industry. The other thing that makes Atos so special is that the company has also over 2,000 patents. So that is something that is really unusual in the IT industry.
So the combination of all the things that Atos can do, from IT outsourcing to digital workplace to cyber security, or even in advanced computing or digital transformation, the company is incredibly well positioned with its clients. And that’s what makes fundamentally the company have great, great value.
It’s been saddled with a lot of debt, no question about it, but we do have also a solution, you know, coming up on the near horizon.
So what else could be part of the proposal apart from this group of bondholders? Are we going to see, for example, some asset disposal announced before the end of next week? Is that a possibility, or do you totally exclude this?
I think what we have presented is a comprehensive plan that included all the assets of Atos. Now we’re going to have to see what proposals are going to come through. Some of them will just keep the whole of the company together.
One of those proposals is likely to come from one point, one of our largest shareholders. And others will come in from our bondholders who seem to also be interested in keeping the whole company.
But we can’t just really forego any potential proposal that may come in and may entail a different mix of ideas such as asset disposal or not.
Does that mean that you’re not excluding anything at this stage?
Absolutely not. We’re open to all kinds of proposals and actually welcome all kinds of proposals.
Including a spinoff?
Well, I think, again, we’ll have to just wait. I can’t just really tell you if the spinoff will really solve anything.
We’ll have to just really evaluate it within the comprehensive framework that we put forward. Ideally, again, we want to make sure that we keep all the assets together because they have a compelling value. But we don’t want to preclude anybody from coming up with some of their own proposals.
Will this whole plan be able to save Atos?
Actually, Atos is a great company, as I mentioned to you. It just really is going to be a winner. I do believe that we’ll come up with a plan and the company will succeed long term.
So it will be saved?
It will be saved.
Note blog : Si tu le dis Paul…
Rappelle toi quand même que y’a 2 mois tu disais qu’il n’y aurait une restructuration que si Atos était pris à la gorge et que c’était très loin d’être le cas…
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Si vous avez subi d’énormes pertes sur Atos, sachez qu’une action en réparation est en cours de constitution sur le site (l’Union Pour la Réparation des Actionnaires), pour recouvrer une partie de vos pertes par voie de justice. Cette action sera totalement gratuite pour les plaignants car nous la ferons financer auprès de fonds spécialisés qui prendront un pourcentage en rémunération et l’UPRA ne vous demandera aucun paiement ni cotisation ou autres. À ce jour, plusieurs fonds ont fait part de marques d’intérêts, mais nous n’avons pas encore de réponse définitive. La réponse dépendra du nombre de personnes pré-inscrits et des comptes audités 2023.
Afin de ne pas déstabiliser la société, cette action ne visera ni Atos, ni ses dirigeants ou ex-dirigeants, mais uniquement ses auditeurs (commissaires aux comptes) en particulier DELOITTE supposé être le n°1 mondial de l’audit, mais que l’UPRA soupçonne avoir été très complaisante vis-à-vis d’Atos avec les règles comptables en vigueur, et leur reproche d’avoir fait manquer une chance aux actionnaires de ne pas acheter l’action quand elle était surcotée vis-à-vis de sa réelle valeur et d’avoir fait manquer une chance d’avoir vendu, quand la société s’effondrait et que la comptabilité ne reflétait pas cet effondrement, en particulier une absence totale de dépréciation d’actifs en 2022.
Je rappelle qu’à la publication d’un jugement qui dirait le contraire, Deloitte est supposé avoir certifié les comptes d’Atos de manière totalement sincère, et l’avis exprimé ci-dessous est l’avis de l’UPRA uniquement et reste à l’état de soupçons tant que nos preuves n’auront été validé par un juge.
Pour des raisons de coûts de procédure, elle est réservée aux personnes ayant subi des pertes supérieures à 10 000€, sinon les coûts judiciaires, avocats, expertises, etc… en millions d’euros seraient supérieurs à la perte et ne seraient pas rentables pour le fonds qui financera ce recours. Soyez assuré qu’il ne s’agit pas de snobisme, mais réellement de contraintes financières.