Vendredi 1er s’est tenu un call, « BDS Hands All Up », par le DG du groupe, Carlo D’Asaro Biondo. Et selon ce dernier, le deal Airbus-BDS ce serait dans la poche pour Atos. Bon, pour le prix il s’est pas vanté par contre 🙂
Il a tenu à rassurer ses troupes, tout en précisant que le call ne serait pas enregistré comme d’habitude. En effet, d’habitude les absents peuvent revoir les transcriptions des calls le lendemain sur le site version employés.
C’est dommage, en période de mandat Ad Hoc, où le respect de certaines règles de communications vis-à-vis des actionnaires sont importantes, car les employés peuvent aussi être actionnaires et maluser des informations trop privilégiées.
« Ça n’aurait pas mangé de pain ». Heureusement que le blog lui veille au grain pour faire le job de communication interne d’Atos 🙂 et restituer ce call pour ceux qui n’y ont pas assisté 🙂
Il s’agissait d’un call devant environ 3000 personnes.
Nous avons hésité quelques jours avant de publier la transcription de ce call, mais après réflexion, on aurait pu me reprocher de faire de la rétention d’informations positives pour influencer le cours négativement, tellement certains PP sont burlesques dans l’idée que nous voulons faire baisser le cours.
Ainsi, pour que je sois objectif jusqu’au bout de la nuit, vous allez avoir droit à la transcription et merci encore à Lucien.
Ce faisant, nous avons décidé de rassurer tout le monde, que ce soit les salariés d’Atos non-BDS et les actionnaires PP tournant au LSD et qui croient encore à un retour à 10€ alors que l’argent d’Airbus va juste service à payer les salaires d’avril, mais et juin…En espérant qu’il en reste pour les JO,
Et puis si c’est sûr à 99%, c’est que même les conditions financières ont été figées, à priori avec un effort d’Atos selon l’avis de mes contacts et un petit peu de pression sur Airbus en haut de la pyramide de l’état pour que tout soit signé au plus tard la première semaine d’avril. Ou au pire des négos exclu ultra-engageantes jusqu’à mi-avril au plus tard. Après, je pense que le moral des soldats en prendrait un gros coup…
Par contre de l’autre côté Thalès ne va pas faciliter la tâche niveau négo prix. Ce jour sur CNBC, Patrice Caine PDG de Thalès plie définitivement le dossier avec la phrase « nous ne sommes plus en course dans le dossier de la Cyber Atos » (voir article).
C’est donc Airbus ou le dépôt de bilan si l’on en croit les proches du dossier ! Prions que Carlo ne tombe pas sur les 1% manquants pour aller à 100% de réussite…
Cécile Leroux :
Session not recorded on purpose.
Carlo d’Asaro Biondo (CAB)
Thank you to all for managing the business in this difficult period. BDS is progressing well this year.
Q? Status of DD (due diligence) discussions?
CAB : The DD is progressing well. Airbus appreciate the transparency, love the value, say the business is well run, and the strategy is understood, even about HPC (they were concerned).
No it is the question of timing. We have difficulties to close the accounts. We provided the figures late to the auditor. So now Airbus is waiting for the validated numbers.
Q? Can will be the decision? Still 31 March ?
CAB : We expect the DD finished when they get the figures (4 March) and to get their offer around the 15 and have the final decision before end of March.
Q? Need approval of French Govt and the EC?
CAB : Not really. When we have the final offer from Airbus, the board will have to approve then May for the stakeholders approval, and done in December. It should be done within the year. I will focus to realise our business plan until then.
Q? On Wednesday we learned that the agreement with EPEI was not reached. Is it a risk for BDS?
CAB : No impact.
Q? Feedback from Airbus after visits to Angers & Les Clayes?
CAB : They liked it. We had funding issues as the government did not give what was promised, so we found it internally and will ensure that Jupiter will be built in Angers. They understand now how HPC is profitable. They appreciated our transparency.
Q? What are the strategic benefits for BDS to go to Airbus.
CAB : Airbus has wide shoulders, so they can help BDS growing. They have the same vision of the market. They understand the importance of security, of european sovereignty (eg for HPC). It completes them with more elements for their customers that are often government.
Alexandre Jouys: Yesterday F2F meeting with Airbus yesterday. « We want to expand to other markets that BDS is already addressing ».
Chris Moret : They were very positive. I asked they also wanted to keep activities in « small countries » (Middle East, etc.) It is important for them to be leaders in cybersecurity and so on.
Emmanuel Le Roux : On advanced computing we have seen a big shift on their engagement. 3 weeks we explained the past and our assets today. Now we are discussing what we will do with them during the next 3-5 years. They also were very interested to understand our teams, our people. Who, where they are. They are projecting already joint working groups.
Q? About presence in America.
CM : Yes they want to be present and expand in America.
CAB : I think the deal will be done on 99%. But we cannot guarantee it will be signed.
Q? Are additional Eviden assets discussed?
CAB : No, but a little part in Germany that are servicing the defence industry (security, army).
Q? Will this enhance the european strategic autonomy?
CAB : Yes it will.
Q? Will Airbus Cybersecurity transition to Eviden Cybersecurity Services?
CAB : We do not know the name.
Q? Will become on the contracts held by Atos/Eviden ?
CAB : We will do the maximum to have separate contracts from Eviden & Atos, and also I am negociating service agreements with Atos & Eviden. There will be no exclusivity. Also SA will be signed with Airbus during the transition & carve out.
Q? Is Airbus interested in the entire BDS perimeter
CAB : We asked them and answered that for now they are interested by the whole perimeter, including the HPC.
Bernard Payer : They asked us synergies with Big Data & Cybersecurity, we will have workshops with them.
Q? Airbus interested by all the goegraphies.
CAB : Yes. And also in all current offers.
CAB : They will not reduce the staff. They asked us to invest and hire people. They are not a fund. It is a great opportunity for you. They buy the company because they love the employees.
Q? BDS continues to loose a lot of human talents ?
CAB : We have the same rate as on the market. Increasing on USA, BE, NL. Decreasing in FR. It is not a particular problem.
Q? What to say to our suppliers from manufacturing about what is happening with payment issues, credit deterioration and so on?
CAB : We blocked payments for January. When we reopened them, the processes involved some delays. Now the issues are being sorted out. We are actually paying, there is no issue with the factory. The payments are goint ahead.
Q? The cash?
CAB : The cash situation is not particularly critical. We are not under cash shortage.
Q? Is the company prepared, with a concrete planning, in case the Airbus deal won’t continue?
CAB : How to respond honestly to that? There are many approaches from other companies. Lots of things are possible. The conciliation with Hélène Bourbouloux has the objective to sort out the alternatives.
Q? Cooperation between Eviden & BDS?
CAB : We will have some agreements. We have already started to work as independently as possible from the rest of Eviden. I do not want that the bad atmosphere between TFco & Eviden be copied between Eviden & BDS. I want the best atmosphere possible.
Q? Integration of Stormshield & BDS?
CAB : Not decided yet.
Q? Will BDS be a separated legal entity or integrated ?
CAB : We do not know. Be always more interested on what you do than on what you are.
Q? What about the locations?
CAB : This will be discussed with Airbus just after the offer.
CAB : I am very proud to serve BDS, even as a transition manager. It is a great company.
De l’autre côté, c’est désormais officiel, et pour une fois le blog aura tort, Thalès se retire définitivement du dossier BDS, même partiellement, par la voie de son PDG Patrice Caine qui était interviewé hier sur CNBC et répondant explicitement à la question « est-ce que vous êtes positionné sur le dossier BDS ? », Patrice Caine répond très clairement que le dossier Atos, c’est fini pour Thalès.
La voie est libre pour Airbus, mais la fin des négos s’annonce compliqué pour Atos avec un seul repreneur en lice…
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